The World of Aspara
Aspara is a dangerous place. Take a tour with us as we muddle our way through a multitude of side quests.
More locations will be added as the adventure continues…
Zexah is a small village located near the center of Aspara. It is self-governed by the local inhabitants that do their best to keep order. The Good Riddance Inn is a refuge frequented by weary travelers making their way between the cities of Viksher and Goldum.
Drukhall is the largest city in Aspara. It houses the most prestigious Nobles to the most vile of thieves. The city is split into Northern and Southern districts, separating the upper classes from the common folk. The underbelly of the City is run by mob bosses, guilds and various factions. It is a city of great splendor or dark squallier. Just be careful not to stray down the wrong alleyway.
Viksher is a large city which is currently quarantined due to an unknown disease that is afflicting many of those who live within the walls. Weapons are not allowed within the city, but for a small donation to one of the guards, you may be able to smuggle in a few items to protect yourself. A large clock tower is a recent addition to the city that may hold some answers to the city’s mysteries.
Goldum is a city under siege from the beast being forced from the forests in the south. The city is surrounded by the crumbling walls and desolation from the onslaught. Mayor Blake Lakely is doing his best to hold the city together as Mother Celeste heals those who are injured keeping the city from being overrun.
Port Randis is a moderately sizes town on the Eastern coast of the mainland of Aspara.
Landmarks include:
• The Port itself, one of the largest ports in all of Aspara
• Dorset Salvage run by proprietor Henrietta Dorset
• Jed’s Shipwright Shop
• The Asinine Leopard Inn, a respite for sailors and adventurers alike
Piscis is a moderately sizes town on the Northeastern coast of the mainland of Aspara.
Landmarks include:
• Jeb’s Shipwright shop
• Dorset Salvage run by proprietor Henrietta Dorset
• The Jacked Eel Inn/Tavern: Known for its exquisite Shepards pie from Master Chef Boyartee
Heracleon is an island off the Eastern coast of Aspara. It is a haven for the students of the Arcane. Traders and travelers enter through Port Heracleon, which sits at the southern tip of the island. The city gate is at the lowest point of the city. Visitors can see the city in its entirety before them, as each row and cluster of buildings sits higher than those in front of it. The city is divided into sections, largely by the School of Magic practiced within each, with unique architectural styles present in each city section.